Human Resources often is saddled with many unenviable tasks, with the two main culprits disciplining and terminating. As employment lawyers, unfortunately, we usually only interact with Human Resources regarding these unenviable tasks. It seems appropriate as the year winds down and the holiday season approaches to remember all the beneficial and seldom-recognized tasks Human Resources provides to employees and the company as a whole. So if you are in Human Resources and feeling overwhelmed by your unenviable tasks, an executive tired from continually dotting your "i's" and crossing your "t's," or an employee worn out from all the protocols and procedures, remember HR . . .
H onors employees for their years of commitment to the company.
U nites employees and management in a common goal.
M aintains valuable documents and files.
A ssists with new hire orientation and company retreats.
N urtures during difficult times.
R ecognizes employees for outstanding work.
E ncourages teamwork and dedication.
S upports employees throughout their tenure.
O rganizes company events and parties.
U mpires employee disputes.
R esponds to inquiries regarding benefits, job openings, and payroll.
C ounsels employees regarding any and all aspects of their job.
E xplains company policies and procedures.
S erves the company with unwavering enthusiasm.
While this list describes only a small fraction of the services HR provides, the list illustrates all the positive benefits HR provides employees, managers, and the company as a whole. Human Resources is the backbone of any company, so take some time this holiday season to say thanks.
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